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Alexander Bogdanov

Commercial Consultant
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Alexander has been living in Dubai for the past two years. With an extensive and diverse background in digital marketing, Alexander is a seasoned Commercial Consultant at CRC - a distinguished company specializing in commercial properties in Dubai. Alexander has over a decade of comprehensive sales experience spanning B2B, B2C, and C2C sectors, coupled with almost seven years of dedicated focus on partnerships and business development in the digital Ad tech industry. He possesses an extensive expertise in this dynamic field that gives him a clear understanding of the clients needs. As a Strategic Business Development Manager with leading worldwide businesses, Alexander has successfully cultivated long-term relationships and guided partners towards positive ROI. In his new role at CRC, Alexander's commitment to excellence is underscored by a profound understanding of the commercial real estate landscape, positioning himself as a reliable source of market insights. With every client interaction, he brings not only qualitative services but also a wealth of experience in digital marketing - a facet that sets him apart and empowers to navigate the competitive terrain of commercial property in Dubai. Alexander has been playing ice hockey for 6 years, participating in semi-professional competitions, loves diving with passion for surfing. He admires any kind of autosport, so he has quite an active lifestyle along with hard work and business acumen.
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Premium Fitted | Furnished | Well Located
Facing road | Perfect visibility | For LLC
Suitable for multiple concepts | Prime Location
First-class Business Center | Hi-tech space
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